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The project titled "Under the Same Sky" was planned by primary schools from Cyprus, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, France, Germany and Latvia. “Under the Same Sky” is a project that will help approximately 1100 primary school pupils in 8 different European countries, share information about their countries and learn about each other’s way of living, recreation activities, educational system, school, town, country, statistics and culture. The pupils will search for (dis)similarities related to the above and incorporate all the information into a “European Palette”.

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011



  According to the legend, King Dinis was informed about his Queen’s charity activities and the related expenses to the royal treasure. One day, the king decided to surprise the Queen during one of her usual walks to give money and food to those in need. He noticed that the Queen was trying to hide what she was taking in her lap. King Dinis asked the Queen where she was going and she said she was going to the monastery to adorn the altars. Unsatisfied with the Queen’s answer, the King revealed his curiosity about what she was taking in her lap. After a moment of embarrassment, Queen Isabel answered: “Roses, my Lord!” Suspicious, the King accused her of lying, since it was impossible to find roses in January. Then, he forced her to reveal what was hidden in the mantle. The Queen showed, before everybody’s astonished eyes, the beautiful roses she kept in her lap. By a miracle, the bread she was taking had turned into roses. The King was speechless and asked the queen for forgiveness, while she continued with her intention. The story became famous in Coimbra and the people declared Saint Queen Isabel of Portugal.
"O Milagre das Rosas"
Versão audio em português

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